Thursday, March 20, 2008

Make it Count

Here I sit with not a thought in my head but time to post a blog.
I am like Jaci, where has the time gone? Here it is Thursday with only three more days of my spring break left. I feel greedy for my days.

And tomorrow my oldest grandchild is going to be a ripe ol' age of TEN! Now where did all the time go?

First it is just the week that passes quickly and then it is months that zoom past, then those months zipped past a year and the years start ticking off one by one.

Every time I say I wish a hectic week would pass quickly I realize I am wishing my life away. Finding contentment in the daily rituals is vital to finding contentment in life.

I have loved my week.
  • I spent most of my time (and a lot of my money) fixing up the rent house for the new renters who are so anxious to get in the house that they keep coming out to feed Mr. Belvedere, the cat that "owns" the house. They have renamed him since they did not know I had a name for him but now, he is Jo-Jo. He won't care as long as the feed keeps coming.
  • Wednesday I drove Lee around and hung around to keep him company while he spent the day near the house and I caught up on reading magazines I have not had time to read.
  • Leann and the boys came today and spent the day with me. We took pictures of her new style of purses and created new business cards for her to print off. The little boys and I made Rice Krispy Treats and they decorated the tops of them with every kind of "sprinkle" they could shake out of a container. Then I sent them home with most of them.
  • Betty came by to bring a pie to Lee. How considerate she is. We did a little catching up on family news and then she went on her way.
  • I plan to see every grandchild before I go back to school on Monday and I plan on getting plenty of hugs.
  • AND I have blown my diet for yet ONE more week.
Hugs your babies,
Sing out loud,
Watch bugs crawl,
Take in some sun,
And dance in the moonlight!

Make it count!

You are in my prayers.


  1. Ah, yes . . . the thought and the memory the image conjures up!
