Thursday, November 3, 2011

Child's Play Mixed Media

My grand daughter has a shirt that says, "I learned everything I need to know in kindergarten."
She is in kindergarten!
I am expecting this to be a really busy year for her.
Crayon and glue line drawing and painting has started.
In my high school art class we are leaving behind the papier mache pumpkins, pinatas and masks we have been making and are moving on to mixed media.
The supplies we are using for the assignment are all the things you would use in kindergarten:
Glue and
Prang or Crayola Brand Watercolor (8 color tray)

I set out bunches and bunches of cheap, artificial flower bouquets in red, yellows and oranges  I found at Walmart this past week for three to five dollars per bouquet.  I flooded the tables with the flowers for this spontaneous and quick painting.

  • Begin by making a contour line drawing using crayon.  
  • Switch to white Elmer's glue and continue drawing using glue, adding details, outlining and applying glue where light areas are needed.
  • Set aside until all the glue is completely dry (up to 24 hours or more sometimes, depending on how deep the glue is).
  • Drop a little water in the top of all the colors in the watercolor tray to begin moistening the colors so you will have very intense color available.  
  • Wet only the area you want to paint such as one leaf or petal, apply color on one side of the wet area then apply a second color on the opposite side quickly, then stop!  Allow the water to transport the colors, blending sponanteously. Resist going in and "fixing" it.
  • Paint directly on the paper using primary colors to create the secondary colors on the paper. (IE:Add blue on one side of a leaf then yellow on the opposite side and watch the green develop)
  • Continue painting using this method.  
  • When the paints are all dry go back and adjust colors as necessary, deepening the values and contrasts. 
Demo piece for Child's Play Mixed Media
Resist the urge to try to make the painting "perfect".
Often that is when you lose the painting by overworking. 

Most importantly, let loose and enjoy the spontaneous nature of watercolor.

Both the glue and the crayon resist absorbing paints leaving a white or faint area in it's play. 

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  1. I love this! It looks like so much fun!!

  2. Wish my art teacher had done things like this in my art class! It is absolutely stunning - the colors, the lines, all of it!

  3. okay so now I have had to add a couple more things to my bag of art supplies for vacation...I seriously want to be in your class, am I toooooooooo old for high school????
    cheers, dana

  4. You make me smile, Dana and Carolyn! I think you are never to old to learn something new but if you are over 20 they won't let you in high school. Just surround yourself with things that inspire you and act on it. I have tons of books and I check out all of your blogs.

    You all inspire me!


  5. Lovely painting and thanks for the 'how to' ~ Fun! ~ thanks, namaste, Carol (Share the Creative Journey) Happy PPF ^_^

  6. Darla, this is so gorgeous. You must really inspire those budding artist with your ability to take simple materials and produce works of art. It would be interesting to see how some of the students' work turned out too. Thanks for the posted instructions. I'm going to have a try at it too. Maybe I'll do it next week for PPF.

  7. This is gorgeous! Some wonderful advice too...thank you.

    ~ Serena :)

  8. the demo piece is lovely and thanks for the inspiration... you are very generous in sharing your techniques with us all.... happy PPf xx

  9. Thanks for the painting "recipe". I cant wait to try this myself. Your flowers are just gorgeous.

  10. LOVE this idea for a project! SO very cool, and the painting is beautimous as well!

  11. Beautiful, free-flowing it! What a great inspiration piece for the kids!

  12. This is beautiful! And thanks for sharing the technique. I'm going to try this.

  13. beautiful and wonderful mix of color!

  14. that is simply gorgeous. Love it!

  15. That's more than doodling my Dear,that's beautiful art.

  16. Well I'm impressed you could do this with crayons, glue and watercolor, really quite stunning!~Happy Paint Party Friday! #10 Robin Panzer Art Studio 33

  17. How interesting! You created such a vivid flower! Thanks for sharing this technique! Patsy from

  18. Wonderful painting! Love the colors and thank you for the step by step.
