It was going to be just another sewing day but three of my smaller grandchildren came to spend the day and as always they wanted to "do art". I love those days! I find them to be the most fun, most inspirational and most satisfying while being a great brain development exercise for the little ones.

Pearson, who is five and just ready to start kindergarten this year, drew this adorable rabbit with his ears coming out of the sides of his head and such a fat, fat rabbit probably because he has been in someones carrot garden.
And seven year old, Reese drew an owl. After it was finished she looked at it with and said, "Is this a skinny bird or a fat owl?" Well, it didn't matter. It is just plain cute!
Reese also, drew this cute little puppy for her three year old sister.
We decided these fun creations had to BE something. Reese excitedly, said, "CAR PILLOWS!"
And so they are! Cute little pillows only 11" x 14" just the size for tucking into the side of the car seat for the kids while on long trips. Big pillows are too bulky but these little mini-pillows are perfect....and fun!
So now, the children are the artists for the car pillows and I am just the seamstress, the pattern writer and gopher for these upcoming and very special new entrepreneurs. HOO knows, maybe they will start a little college fund! Patterns are available through my craftsy store: