Why is it that when we get an immediate answer from God we are amazed?
We prayed!? We believed he would answer ......
but when the answer was swift and the answer we were wanting to hear we were amazed.
I find that funny although, I am as guilty as the next.
I am awed by how obvious it is that it is from God. And how releived I am that God is still listening to my prayers-sinful person that I am.
God has always answered prayers.
Sometimes, it is just more obvious than other times.
It is when the answers do not come as we want that we often begin to fall away and lose faith. We need to remember that God holds the master plan and he is looking at the big picture and we are seeing only one little minute bit of the plan.
God does answer our prayers. He will answer according to His will, not our will and according to His time, not our time.
God Will! God's Will!