Thursday was rush, rush, rush!
Three of my grandchildren had a promotional night and the event starting at 6:30 was an hour-plus drive to get there on a normal drive.
No problem, you say?
Aw-w! (Sad face!)
So we decided to choose another route thinking it would put us through quicker although the mileage was a little more. We left at 5:00 feeling confident that would work this time. All was going well. We were going to make it on time this year.
But then there was a wreck on our route and it slowed us down.
Now we were going to be at least five minutes late!
We entered the building just as our youngest was on the stage. I rushed in and got to see her on stage but did not get to hear her name.
I can live with that.
I know her name.
We got to see the other two, saw their display boards, signed their books and ate a little something with them. The youngest was so excited she could hardly sit still. Now, that I think about it all three must have been excited because they were flitting about all evening with their friends once the ceremony was over.
And the evening was a success!
Needless to say. With all the rushing going on I did not get to post a painting yesterday but I did get one done during the day at school. (Thankfully, I teach art.) I had to tweak it a little today but it was pretty much done.
It did not start out to be a mixed media but soon after beginning the painting in watercolor I realized I had a piece of the old watercolor paper that the sizing had gone bad or it was a defective piece to begin with (I don't know).
The same application I would use on the new paper was soaking into the paper and the colors were washed out and chalky looking.
I was disappointed
But alas! I had my Prismacolor Nupastels I purchased during spring break!
I rushed in and applied a little here a little there.
Something I would never have done before I met Jeannette Cuevas!
(Thanks, Jeannette!)
And it saved the day!
I think I like it.
I like it too! I love the colors, of course!